Deviation Actions
I loved Transformers: Earthspark Season 1 and the messages it showed to numerous viewers. I am upset the following seasons were lackluster because of fillers, unnecessary repetitive themes, and character regressions.
At the risk of spoiling the newer seasons, here are my ideas for improving them:
1. Combine both into a single, 20-episode season focusing on a race for Embershards scattered worldwide
2. Quintessons are the main antagonists coveting the Emberstone's power for total conquest
3. Shockwave, Soundwave, and a few other Decepticons cooperate with the Autobots much to Grimlock's disdain
4. Starscream, Swindle, Skywarp, Hardtop, Nova Storm, and Breakdown become nomadic unless needed
5. Jazz, Thundercracker, Blaster, Flamewar, Beachcomber, Astrotrain, Powerglide, Thunderblast, and other Cybertronians appear
6. Wheeljack, Shockwave, and others search for Cybertron throughout the season
7. Chaos Terrans, five in total, initially work for the Quintessons who betray them later on
8. Blitzwave and Razor-fin return to Aquatron via spacebridge scientists repair
9. Agent Schloder has a slightly expanded role by working as a liaison between the Cybertronians and U.S. government
10. Tarantulas returns handing over an Embershard in possession to the coalition and with convincing, lives at their base
11. Quintessons take control of Terratronus with a corrupted Emberstone until Mo and Robby free her like in canon
12. Optimus cures anyone infected with the Hate Plague by using the Matrix of Leadership in penultimate arc
13. Autobots, Decepticons, Terrans, Humans, and Chaos Terrans vs Quintessons as massive final battle
14. Invading Quintessons are led by a tribunal of Judges as there are others across the galaxy
15. Many Cybertronians leave for Cybertron after receiving a garbled message from the planet using the spacebridge
16. The Maltos, Chaos Terrans, Bumblebee, Beachcomber, Thundercracker, Thunderblast, and others stay to protect Earth
If you have ideas for Transformers: Earthspark Seasons 2 and 3, feel free to share.
Transformers: Earthspark (c), Hasbro, Nickelodeon, and Paramount