Raishuu on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/raishuu/art/Get-Together-127822013Raishuu

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Get Together



I was bored tonight and decided to make an Avatar for ~GetTogether (a group for german artists to organize devMeets - check it out!) so I came up with this one. It took ages since I haven't made any emotes before. I do have a little bit experience with creating gifs however - mostly from doing banners and avatars from movie screenshots - but this was something completely different. A lot of fun, but also a lot of work. My kudos to all the emoticon artists out there. I had to use so many frigging layers... but maybe I'm doing it wrong :D

Anyways, it's something about 35KB which makes it useless as an Avatar, so I'll probably have to use the non-animated version. :stupidme: Does anyone know how to make it smaller without reducing the actual size or quality (much)?
Image size
50x50px 35.14 KB
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DeusExDeviant's avatar

Found this by pure chance, sooo cute! :D