rainrach on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rainrach/art/I-ll-Schmootz-Ya-In-Yer-Place-103340896rainrach

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rainrach's avatar

I'll Schmootz Ya In Yer Place



For the :iconacolytes-base: contest, stereotypes. I couldn't resist Magneto as the Jewish father (this might be because of my OWN Jewish father...I relate >___>; ).

Now to Jewish guilt trip you:

You come and you look at the comic but you make no comment? For what did I do that you would not tell me you like, huh? I slaved for hours and hours for this, agonizing over every detail and you can't leave a simple comment to brighten my day? No, no! Don't bother! I don't mind. I'll sit here, alone, in the dark. No no, it's fine. I work for hours and still no comment no fav, no that's fine...that's just fine....

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1400x895px 299.2 KB
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Pietro's face in the last one XD