Anything for Jeanrainrach on DeviantArt

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rainrach's avatar

Anything for Jean



Finally I get a chance to submit this! I created this back in November for the 2011 Evo Calendar. I was lucky enough to scoop up February. The actual calendar cut off the sides, so a lot of my references were cut off by the border. LE SAD. However, you can see them all here! Oo la la!

Rogue's had enough of all this unwarranted attention Jean is receiving. I have a feeling THIS vaguely malicious plan may backfire though....

The boys that are hitting on Jean are actually my OCs, my sister's OC, and then a random guy. We're allowed to use our own OCs if they aren't OBVIOUSLY OCs. You'd look at them and just think they were random people, so. IT'S OKAY THEN. The OCs are Ross (the blond), Nick (redhead in the orange), Kail (black hair), and another OC from a project I haven't really shared on here before...and don't intend to now.

Ohhhh Jean. 'Dem boy'll do anything for you.
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1388x901px 1.02 MB
© 2011 - 2025 rainrach
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flash600's avatar
Someone gave Jean a live puppy