Raindropmemory's avatar


Shut up and do it!
209 Deviations
Warm light* by Raindropmemory
"Warm Light" Someone said she looks like Björk. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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A Midsummer Day's Dream by RaindropmemoryNew 3D Work! (・ω・)ノ: A Midsummer Day's Dream
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photo rpgessential_preview_by_Raindropmemory2_zps24b9b5ee.png

photo rpgessential_preview_by_Raindropmemory3_zps9a1b7921.png

Good day sir!

 Llama Emoji-09 (Drinking Tea) [V1] 
It's been a while since the last icon set. In the recent years, I found that one of my icon set that people always talking about/ asking for permission to use them on their project is Legendora icon set, the RPG icon set. →   Legendora Icon Set by Raindropmemory

The old icon set is fine, but not without its limitation; there are too few icons to be useful, and the elaborate details, while look great, is not that practical in real use. So, I think this is good opportunity to update it, with my current skill and experiences. The new design will be more simple, yet retain my cute & funky style, as usual. ;p

The new icon set will be called RPG Essential, which will have lite version (free download for anyone as always) and the paid-full version (for people who need to use them on their commercial project) I've dream about selling my stock icon set for so long, and this might be the first one. :)

The icons are all finished and I'm now working on preview image and some details.
Please stay tuned! :D

Llama Emoji 42 (Pinch Cheek) [V2] 

photo rpgessential_preview_by_Raindropmemory1_zps6837e505.png
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UPDATE: 1 Jan 2014. Yes, you still can request! :>

Hi there,

I'm now working on my latest icon set, after a long months without iconwork. 
It will be called Harmonia Pastelis 2 As the name implied, it will be the spiritual successor (well, nothing spritual here, actually) of my old icon set Harmonia Pastelisraindropmemory.deviantart.com/…one of my icon set that many people happened to like!

Below is the glance of some finished icons. :)
P.S. with my custom visual style (aka 'theme') for Windows 8 that I'm also working on - still in its baby stage though.
photo HarmoniaExtended_preview_zps612e446c.png

The old icon was created in 2009, when my style and skill is still simple. Many years have past and many things changed, my experiences, my skill and style, my vision of what my art should be. But I will try to retain the same old cute and simple looks that everyone like in this icon as much as possible. :happybounce:

The new icon set design will gear toward 'stock icon' for general use more than specifically computer use, since I want it to be widespread, downloaded and be used by even more people, but of course you can still use them on PC if you want to, as always. :) 


Happy Time!
You can request me icons you want to see in this icon set too!

I will do almost anything except for fan art. So don't be shy! just comment below right away! :) I will try to include them in the icon set as much as possible.

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Hello guys,

I humbly present my official portfolio website...!



Before this I have to use art website as my portfolio (deviantART, Behance), but found that the usability of these website not that good for portfolio site, for example, it takes too many click to gain access to each image in the gallery, and it's cumbersome when you have to send the link to your client, who most of the time never use these art site before.


My Design approach:
I need simple, *no-nonsense* portfolio website, and this website is my answer. I don't care about bell-and-whistle or cool-looking cropped images gallery (which will take another extra click to view it), I just want something that just work, that even my grandma can use it!

Since I have no skill in web coding, I still have to use blogging platform, Tumblr, in my case, with modifed theme.

This website will collect the history of Raindropmemory, since 5 years ago till today. It still need some more page, like 'Download' page, for example, which I will add later.

and of course, feel free to give it a try, and you are more than welcome to share your opinion about it. :) (Thank you!) =D
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New icon set 'RPG Essential' is coming!- very soon by Raindropmemory, journal

Harmonia Pastelis 2 Icon set - Request Time! by Raindropmemory, journal

Finally, Raindropmemory official portfolio site! by Raindropmemory, journal

BIXEL : Upcoming Icon Set by Raindropmemory, journal

Raindrop's Notes #02 :Visualized! by Raindropmemory, journal