How to Make a Wig CapRainbowSerenity on DeviantArt

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How to Make a Wig Cap



I learned how to do this years ago, but I can't remember from where, so now I shall PASS MY KNOWLEDGE TO YOU ALL~

How to Make a Wig Cap

Forget to add one to your cart after you buy your wig? Don't fee like shelling out up to five bucks for one because you'll just lose it anyway? I have your solution, and easily for a dollar or less!

Step One: Get a cheap pair of pantyhose. I found mine at Walmart for 97 cents. Alternatively, you can steal a pair from someone. Maybe they have one with runs that they never threw out because they're lazy like me.

Step Two: Turn them crotch-side up. Laugh because you're twelve.

Step Three: Tie the legs in a knot. Make sure you leave as little space in it as possible. CROTCHKNOOOT

Step Four: DOUBLE KNOT! Make sure it's a tight one. You don't want to have a big ol' open space since...that would defeat the purpose and be lame.

Step Five: Snip the legs off! You can wear them, I suppose, or just throw them out.

Step Six: Give yourself a ~THUMBS UP~ because you just made yourself a wig cap!

Sometimes the knot will form a little lump. My only solution to that is to turn the thing inside out, but I don't do that because it would irritate me. I buy my wigs really big since I have a lot of hair and a big head. :x And that leaves enough space, I suppose.

I swear my cat was purring in that last photo, ahaha.

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What size do you use for the pantyhose?