When People Use My StuffRainbowRESOURCE on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rainbowresource/art/When-People-Use-My-Stuff-99673549RainbowRESOURCE

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RainbowRESOURCE's avatar

When People Use My Stuff



This, of course, doesn't go for the artists such as =Kaze-Hime or *QueenOfDorks. No no no, there artists aren't meant to draw for you to steal! ;P I'm talking about stock/resource artists such as ~aliceDEEH-Stock, or =Tracie76Stock. (so don't be a bitch! you understand what I mean now.)

Anyway, the point of this stamp is that resource artists just love it when they see other people using their work. That's all I'm saying. :)

(I know, I'm getting a little too defensive, but I don't want anyone to bother me with, "um nu-uh you're wrong people DON'T like others using their work" comments :()


Stamp Template: Laletiza!
Stamp made by me.
Image size
104x61px 8.09 KB
© 2008 - 2024 RainbowRESOURCE
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KornKidSamStock's avatar
Great stuff, I will be using this in my journal if that's ok :D