RainbowFilled on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rainbowfilled/art/Treble-and-Hector-s-Letter-Team-Heal-Bell-E7-352254443RainbowFilled

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Treble and Hector's Letter :: Team Heal Bell E7



:iconwthplz: And what a mess of a letter it is. XD But that's what happens when you leave a nine-year-old and eleven-year-old in charge of writing!
Because I ran out of steam before completing the PAST M7 comic, I thought this event would be the perfect alternative to summarizing Treble and Hector's first mission in the past! XD; If it wasn't apparent in the letter, they had... quite the adventure to say the least.

:D I have :iconcelestial-moo: to thank for composing and handwriting Hector's parts, which is practically the whole letter! Both Treble and I thank you and Hector for that, haha! :heart:

X3 Below are just a few key points I'd like to clarify in case of any confusion:
:bulletred: Treble lost his bell clapper (AKA his tongue), meaning he is mute until they return to the present. He relies on telepathy to communicate, but can only do so through one Pokemon at a time. His Heal Bell is also disabled for the time being.
:bulletred: The reason why they fell asleep during the rescue was because Chikorita, after teaming up with Led, had used Grasswhistle to put the guards to sleep. The lullaby wound up targeting everyone in the vicinity.
:bulletred: Before getting Crunched by the Aerodactyl, Treble learned Future Sight, allowing him a brief glimpse of the future and ultimately hearing Elysia and Kip's shout outs during M7.

:D It's a good thing Zeke happened upon this letter otherwise it probably would have never reached them! XD And even though Kip seems to be the only one thanking him (or perhaps he's noticed Zeke's googoo eyes at Elysia?), Elysia was sure to express her gratitude after with a big ole' hug! :heart:

:dummy: NEW BAG GET, TOO! XD Phew, I have a lot to update on their app.

:star: Team Heal Bell App.: [link]

:star: CAMEOS :star:
:bulletyellow: ~racooncomet's Zeke the Emolga from Team Cosmix Beat
:bulletpink: *Amy-the-Jigglypuff's Chikorita from Team Pecha
:bulletblue: ~Kisara-san's Led the Joltik from Team Mismatch

Pokemon (c) Nintendo, Gamefreak
Sherri the Cherrim belongs to #PMD-Explorers
Norma and Hector belong to *Celestial-Moo
Team Heal Bell belongs to *RainbowFilled
Image size
1299x2683px 1.67 MB
© 2013 - 2024 RainbowFilled
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sonic500's avatar
How the smeg did i miss this?
Anyway awsome job.