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Team Heal Bell :: Mission 7, p. 1



:iconrelievedplz: Wow, alrighty, finally getting around to posting this up! /n0n/ TEAM HEAL BELL MISSION 7 START!

:'D I initially had plans for sitting this one out, but since Elysia really needs to work on her trust issues with Kip, I figured this mission would be the perfect opportunity for that!

;u; However, I should probably mention that there was a part two PAST mission comic I was going to do. OTL Sadly, after working on this, I've run out of steam (and time) for it. ;o; I apologize to those of you who I planned on featuring in the past comic! ;3; I might wind up doing a written story or something for it later, 'cause even though I won't get it done on time, XD it's still canon in my head. *DORK'D* :'D On the bright side, at least I now know my limits for comic pages.

BUTYES! ;u; Hope you all enjoy this comic! /n0n/ I'll be posting up two pages today and then one every day this week! :heart:

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Mission 7 p. 1 <-- (You're here.)
Mission 7 p. 2
Mission 7 p. 3
Mission 7 p. 4
Mission 7 p. 5
Mission 7 p. 6
Mission 7 p. 7
Mission 7 p. 8

:star: DISCLAIMER :star:

Pokemon (c) Nintendo, Gamefreak
Norma the Watchog belongs to ~Celestial-Moo
Team Heal Bell belongs to ~Souzou-Kappukeki
Image size
1008x6521px 2.99 MB
© 2012 - 2024 RainbowFilled
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DragonsVirtue's avatar
Elysia: "You know exactly where Treble is."

Kip: "...." "I do?"

HILARIOUS! Great job as always!