Team Heal Bell :: App. 2.0RainbowFilled on DeviantArt

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Team Heal Bell :: App. 2.0



:star: APP. VERSION 1.0 :star:


Other Team:
:bulletblack::bulletyellow::bulletorange:Solar Wind (Rescuer):bulletorange::bulletyellow::bulletblack:



:iconsobeautifulplz: TEAM BELL'S APP 2.0 IS FINALLY COMPLETED~! :heart:

:iconawwehplz: ALSO, QUICK SHOUT-OUTS TO :iconkhrysteen: AND :iconhawkein:! n0n/ The color palette and birthday dates were BRILLIANT IDEAS! :'D I hope you both don't mind that I borrowed them! :heart:


:star::bulletyellow: TEAM HEAL BELL'S BASE/HOME REFERENCE :bulletyellow::star:

Name: Elysia
Gender: Female
Age: 18-20
Species: Audino
Nature: Jolly
Trait: Alert to sounds

Moves: Psychic, Hidden Power (Ice), Hyper Beam, Heal Pulse
:bulletpink: Healer - has a 30% chance of curing an ally's status ailment.
:bulletpink: Regenerator - restores a little HP when withdrawn from battle.
:bulletpink: Klutz - prevents use of held items on the Pokémon.

Favorite Berry: ALL OF THEM! But Pecha is her favorite flavor wise.

Full Personality: Kind, selfless, optimistic, and considerate, Elysia is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need and does so with a smile on her face. Aside from being the best big sister she can for her adopted brother, Treble, she is very caring and compassionate towards others, especially her friends. However, while her cheerful disposition never seems to falter, her selflessness can get in the way of her own well-being, as it has been shown to do so during Event 3's cold epidemic.

:bulletblack: Heights, especially when flying.

:bulletpink: Capable of recognizing plants and berries in the wild.
:bulletpink: Very acute sense of hearing. However, extremely loud noises (such as moves like Hyper Voice) can easily knock her out or disable her in times of crisis.

Dream: She hopes to one day grow a beautiful berry orchard of her own.

Fun facts:
:bulletpink: Elysia's feelers are longer than most Audino, typically reaching down to her elbows.
:bulletyellow: Due to genetics, the tip of her cotton tail has a pink coloration.
:bulletpink: Elysia enjoys being around the Pokemon from Tao Ranch, especially Ovaltine, Iceburg, and Malt. She tries to pay them a visit on a daily basis, all the while learning as much as she can about Iceburg and Strawberry's gardening techniques.
:bulletyellow: Elysia greatly respects and even idolizes Remedy of the Tao Medical Team. Wanting to become a better healer, Remedy has inadvertently become her source of medical advice. Fortunately for Elysia, the surgeon does not seem to mind her daily numerous visits.

:trophy: Mission 7 Poor Service - Three times and you're out!

Berry List
These are the berries Elysia has grown in her home garden and carries with her.
:bulletpink: Pecha Berry | :bulletyellow: Aspear Berry | :bulletorange: Iapapa Berry
:bulletpurple: Bluk Berry | :bulletpink: Persim Berry | :bulletyellow: Shuca Berry
:bulletyellow: Nanab Berry | :bulletblue: Oran Berry | :bulletred: Occa Berry
:bulletred: Leppa Berry | :bulletblue: Rawst Berry | :bulletyellow: Liechi Berry
:bulletyellow: Pinap Berry | :bulletblue: Belue Berry | :bulletblue: Apicot Berry
:bulletgreen: Watmel Berry | :bulletred: Tamato Berry | :bulletgreen: Hondew Berry
:bulletblue: Kelpsy Berry | :bulletblue: Chesto Berry
Name: Treble
Gender: Male
Age: 9
Species: Chingling
Nature: Rash
Trait: Strong-willed

Moves: Protect, Future Sight, Hypnosis, Heal Bell, *Flash*
:bulletred: Levitate - gives full immunity to all ground-type moves.

Favorite Berries: Bluk

Full Personality: Outspoken, mischievous, reckless, and hasty, Treble, like most kids, is constantly in search of his next big adventure. More often than not, his thrill-seeking and outspoken nature usually leads him (and his older sister) into trouble. He takes pride in his psychic abilities, however not necessarily flaunting them as he's well aware that he still needs training. Although Elysia has been helping him with his abilities, Treble still faces several problems with his powers. (IE, must be in contact with someone/something to use Telekinesis on, etc.) However, despite his faults, he truly is a good kid deep down and always aims to do the right thing.

:bulletred: His smaller size enables him to slip through extremely tight places. However, he's nowhere near flexible and can easily be counted as a lightweight.
:bulletred: He has a lovely singing voice surprisingly. But because he considers this a girly talent, he never sings in front of anyone except his sister.

:bulletblack: The dark slightly unnerves him.
:bulletblack: Caves and bat-like Pokemon

Dream: He wishes to become a great explorer that everyone would admire.

Fun facts:
:bulletred: Treble's rope-like arms and feet are longer than most.
:bulletwhite: Treble relies a lot on his extra arms for grabbing, holding, and even pointing.
:bulletred: Treble considers Poppy from Tao's Medical Team a good friend and an excellent nurse. While his sister is usually receiving advice from Remedy, Poppy shares her own knowledge with Treble about herbal and plant remedies.
:bulletwhite: Although they haven't formally met, Treble holds a certain admiration for Rhodes and is highly interested in his path-finding skills.

:trophy: Arc 1 I Am the Best Accessory
:trophy: Mission 6 JERK DAD AWARD

Name: Kipton
Nickname: Kip
Gender: Identifies as male
Age: 16-17
Species: Rotom
Nature: Brave
Trait: Somewhat of a clown

Moves: Confuse Ray, Electro Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Telekinesis
:bulletblue: Levitate - immunity to ground-type attacks.

Favorite Berry: --

Full Personality: Outgoing, energetic, gallant, and resourceful, Kip is a jovial Rotom who loves adding a dash of humor to any situation. His can-do attitude and friendly demeanor contributes to his highly magnetic personality. It is always in his best interest to treat every girl with the utmost respect and courtesy, which tends to leave him prone to flirting. Despite first impressions, Kip is rather modest and doesn't normally let any praise and/or compliments get to his head (unlike Treble). Because he is a ghost-type, Kip shows no fear in the face of danger and is quite confident in his abilities. However, he's not rash or reckless in his decisions and knows how to choose his battles. Kip always thinks before he acts no matter what the task at hand is.

:bulletblack: Being abandoned and/or left alone for too long. The very thought seems to bring back some... unwanted memories.
Note: Upon encountering this fear, Kip would panic. He would throw every manner of rational thinking out the door and search aimlessly until he was in the company of others, whether he knows them or not.

:bulletblue: Kip is a slippery fellow, his speed and ability to disappear are his greatest strengths.
:bulletorange: Strategist; he always has some sort of plan up his sleeve whether it's overcoming a task or besting his opponent in battle. They're surprisingly foolproof, too.
:bulletblue: Although Kip cannot physically lift objects, he can do so psychically. Because of this, he's quite skilled in utilizing his telekinetic ability.

Dream: ???

Fun facts:
:bulletblue: Unlike most Rotom, the cone on Kip's head is curved.
:bulletorange: He has taken on the role as Treble's mentor and full-time guardian when Elysia isn't around. Currently, Kip wants to help teach Treble how to master his psychic abilities.
:bulletblue: Being composed of pure positive energy, he seemingly never experiences fatigue and constantly seeks different tasks to keep himself busy.
:bulletorange: He has made a habit of residing in Treble's chargestone necklace.



:below::below: ARC 2 MISSION + EVENT LOG :below::below:
-> Mission 6: Search For Lost Pokemon :: Collab. with *Khrysteen
--> Event 6: Sweet Budding Memories :: Collab. with ~Iamffy
-> Mission 7: Assist Hops at Spinda Cafe :trophy: 2nd Place Winner! :trophy:
--> Event 7: Treble and Hector's Letter

:below::below: TASK LOG :below::below:
-> January Task: Relic Hunters :: Collab. with *Khrysteen

:below::below: ARC 2 CAMEO LOG :below::below:
-> Team Small Cute and Team Flavor Blast's Mission 7 Comic by ~HappyNinjaPichu
-> Team Wayfinders' Mission 8 Comic p. 4, p. 5, & p. 8 by ~andyburgos

-> Dream Eater Inc. + Team Iron Spirit's Event 6 Collab Comic by ~mightycucumber and ~lilowoof
-> Team Rowanberry's Event 6.2 Comic by ~Tyltalis
-> Beauty and Beast's Event 6.2 Comic by ~M-a-y-a-l
-> Team Windtakers' Event 7 Story by ~andyburgos
-> Team Silver Fang's Event 7 Comic by ~Hawkein
-> Team Star Grounds' Event 7 Comic by ~augustelos

Application designed for :iconpmd-explorers:
Pokemon (c) Nintendo, Gamefreak
Elysia the Audino, Treble the Chingling, and Kipton the Rotom belong to *RainbowFilled
Image size
1311x4140px 2.68 MB
© 2012 - 2025 RainbowFilled
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DrCronut's avatar
Pardon me miss, but, are you going to draw or do anything with the idea of a Mega Elysia? Curious