Housekeeper and Repairman :: Personal NPCsRainbowFilled on DeviantArt

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Housekeeper and Repairman :: Personal NPCs




Norma the Watchog

Gender: Female
Age: 60s
Nature: Careful; somewhat stubborn
Occupation: Housekeeper
Bio: The housekeeper of Team Heal Bell’s base. Norma and Elysia have known each other for several years. Following her retirement from the Patrat Patrol, Norma now takes care of the base while the team is away. She is intimidating, demanding, and often pushes her own ideals on others. However, those who come to know her long learn that she is a very sweet person. Her bark is worse than her bite.

:bulletyellow: Norma has a tendency to help herself to things in Elysia’s home, such as collecting berries from Elysia’s garden.
:bulletyellow: Elysia and Treble address Norma as "Auntie".
:bulletyellow: One of her favorite things to make is wine. Norma is a perfectionist when it comes to this, so she’ll often ask whoever walks by to sample her concoction.
:bulletyellow: Norma is very discriminatory towards fighting-types, specifically the big, muscular, burly types. She would not allow these Pokemon to step foot in the house unless Elysia gives her a very good reason to allow it.


Hector the Timburr

Gender: Male
Age: 10-11
Nature: Quirky; likes to thrash about
Occupation: Repairman/Construction Worker
Bio: Hector is a young, somewhat eccentric Timburr who works part-time at the Champ Construction Company. He is always seen investing in some kind of chore, mostly those that require physical labor. Hector is in charge of repairs and construction of the Heal Bell base, making sure everything is in top condition. When not working, Hector always accompanies his auntie Norma.

:bulletblue: Hector is missing a finger on his right hand. He often likes to show it to others and talk about how he lost it.
:bulletblue: Hector tends to suck on his lower lip when engaged in physical labor.

:icongreatjobplz: HUZZAH! PERSONAL NPCS GET! :'D I've been meaning to introduce these two for a while now.

n-n These two will primarily be featured in Team Heal Bell's comics, mainly tending to the base while the team's out doing missions and such.

Pokemon (c) Nintendo, Gamefreak
Norma and Hector belong to *Celestial-Moo
Personal NPCs used with permission by *RainbowFilled for Team Heal Bell
Patrat Patrol created by *Pizaru-Chu
Champ Construction Company created by *Nacome
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1223x795px 384.25 KB
© 2012 - 2025 RainbowFilled
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SnowKuki's avatar
Ahh these NPCs are certainly interesting!! Norma looks like a grumpy-pants, though. And jeez, Team Heal Bell has their own repairman?? Are they secretly rich or something? XD