A Crusade To Remember...Rain-Gear on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rain-gear/art/A-Crusade-To-Remember-411175020Rain-Gear

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A Crusade To Remember...



Finally finished my long overdue Cutie Art Crusader fan art!

Spent maybe 15 hours on this one so shorter than I thought but still a hefty amount of time.

I'd just like to take this chance to properly say my thanks to the CAC. 
    I suppose the story starts with me at rock bottom. I had just finished high school I had pretty decent grades and was in no risk of losing out education wise but my art morale was at its all time low. All the way through my life I had been told by those around me that my art was worthless, that I wouldn't be going anywhere in life and that I should just give up. So i did, I didn't draw anything for months after high school  which is a long time for me because usually if I'm not painting I'm doodling. I used to fill sketch book after sketch book with doodles constantly, but this passion was now nowhere to be found. I would just spend my days going to school, being alone, coming home and going on the internet. While searching online I would see all these amazing art pieces that blew my mind and I wished that I could draw just like them but my morale was still at rock bottom so anything I made would be immediately delete and I'd close photoshop down. Then one day while scrolling though my youtube feed a certain video popped up named "Cutie Art Crusaders Episode 8 - Flying" I saw the thumbnail and it looked pretty cool and I had already watched all my subscriber videos so I thought why not. After watching it for just a few minutes I smiled for the first time in months, the fun and educational sides of the podcast really caught me and before I knew it I found myself on a podcast rampage. Just going through episode after episode when i realized I had spent all day just drooling at my computer. This was the first podcast I had taken the time to follow up and it made me want to draw and paint so soon after joining the CAC fan train (choo choo) I drew a pony and I was happy with what I did for the first time in months. A few days later I had a revelation, I realized I really wanted to draw I wanted to devote my life to drawing maybe even make a living out of it at some point so I started to make more art to put onto my deviantART. The first big piece I had made was the piece i did featuring the golden oaks library which got a lot of traction which amazed me, having people comment on my art saying it was "awesome" and "wonderful" was such a foreign idea to me that I actually shed a tear when the comments and favourites kept rolling in. I finally felt like I had a place in the world.
    I guess I'm just gushing but what I'm trying to say is that without the spark the CAC gave me I wouldn't be here making art. I owe so much to such a wonderful podcast and I can't even begin to put my gratitude into words so painting was the only was for me to express this emotion. I still have such a long way to go but compared to a year ago when digital painting was something I had only really heard of I think I have progressed as an artist and as a human being and I have the CAC to thank for all this. Of course having all the support from my watchers and people commenting on my art has also contributed a big part to helping motivate me to keep going !

So THANK YOU *RainbowPlasma , *Bernd01 , =flutterguy317 , =Atmospark and all of my watchers for helping me to smile again! I hope you like the art!
 If you haven't already been hooked on their podcastI highly recommend you tune in every Tuesday on Ever Free Network!

OC's featured are (left to right)

Electroshock - =Atmospark
Bright Ember - *RainbowPlasma
Caramel Curve - =flutterguy317
Sunshine Smiles - *Bernd01

Image size
1920x1080px 1 MB
© 2013 - 2025 Rain-Gear
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Smoki8's avatar
:star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Vision
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

I think you really did a fabulous job. I love how you used a lot more lighting than shading. And instead, of using just lighting, you shaded it very well. Most people/ponies don't do that. One thing I liked a lot was how you went from dark, to light, to lighter, and to lightest. Also, now this is kind of silly, but you can draw clouds really well. Most can't. One part I kid of didn't like was how you made the ponies really tiny, instead of the main focus. But some guys do like that, so it's fine. A great thing about it is the way you captured the whole thing. And even though it's a picture, so it's still, you make it look like a moving picture. It's very peaceful. I think it is a great, picture, and you did a fantastic job.