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rain-dare's avatar




On Google Drive: here
On the wiki: TBA

This story was a little challenging, since I wanted the tone to be just right. I feel like I got close, though. Also, it introduces some new characters!

This story was written by me and illustrated by :iconiveechan-art: for :icontalesoftabira:.
© 2016 - 2024 rain-dare
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fireswallowtanager's avatar
Ah, it's been such a long time since I've had the pleasure of reading a Tabiran story written by you. x3
The tone seems to be quite light (in my opinion), and I believe that helped make it easier to digest and analyze what happened, heheh. 
I also love Mirya's character, considering she has such a small stature but can be very easily picked out of a crowd, even if the 'mon finding her has no idea what she looks like. 

Also, I have a bone to pick with these two particular sentences. ^^" The bolded parts are the, uhm, parts that I have a problem with..
I'm sorry if this inconveniences you or your eye(s?), this is my way of trying not to go insane while being in a country in which the language structure of the main spoken language is the complete opposite of English. ^^"

“Alright!” Mirya hopped off of Cerise’s head and ran into the crowd. “I don’t know any of you, but if you tell us what you know, we might explain. Let’s go, Cerise!”

“I am,” Kapon agreed, stroking the fur under his beak. His beak, which quivered as his eyes darted from Pokemon to Pokemon, problem to problem that’d put him in this situation. It was hard not to be angry. “That’ll have to do,” he said, slowly.