raikoart on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/raikoart/art/Commission-Roen-Deneith-627985078raikoart

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raikoart's avatar

Commission: Roen Deneith

99.1K Views1 Collected Privately


Had a lot of fun with this! Will be my last batch of FFXIV commissions in some time..

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you get to see my sketches, some WIPs, and it means a lot to me! :D (Big Grin)

Previous art:
Commission: Mervina Arnath by raikoartLunafreya Sketch by raikoartWitcher: Yennefer of Vengerberg by raikoartWitcher: Triss Merigold by raikoartWitcher: Ciri by raikoart

Image size
1004x1300px 1.26 MB
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MysticalJusticeWorld's avatar

I like this!! As for me, I design RPGs as a hobby!! If you'd like to try one for yourself, they're on my site scottsnidergames.wordpress.com I don't profit or make money off deviants, the pleasure my games bring them is my thrill!! Cheers!!