Lady VadoreRaikana on DeviantArt

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Raikana's avatar

Lady Vadore



A picture of the Steampunk Female Vader dubbed Lady Vadore. I saw Jen's costume on [link] and, after some consideration, I decided to draw a picture of Lady Vadore in the Art Nouveau style, which ended up shifting to more of an Art Deco style, I think.

...and now the whole thing looks rather like she belongs in a Broadway Revue.

The costume concept belongs to Jen from Epbot. I just own the artwork I did. The imperial symbol belongs to Star Wars, George Lucas, LucasArts, etc.
Image size
2550x3232px 1.96 MB
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LunarFlame12's avatar
I won't be surprised if Jen features this on Epbot! I thought it was a photo from the thumbnail. Fantastic job!