
Where... am I? What am I? [Kemata Prompt]

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RaiinbowMochii's avatar

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'Ow... my... head...' the pastel creature said. 'Wonder what happened to me? Last thing I remember, I was with my friends at the cat cafe? Then I think something bad happened? Was I attacked? Did we get involved in something dangerous? I don't understand'

An elegant creature came up to me,"Hello? Are you alright? I noticed you have been passed out for quite some time!"

"Who? Me? Wait.. how can I understand you?? How can you understand me!?" The pastel creature exclaimed, in shock.

This newly awakened creature looked around at her body to realize that she was an unfamiliar being. A creature that didn't exist in the human world, which was odd. Maybe it was a dream and she just needed to wake up. Her fur was wavy and very pretty and her tail was so long... she could barely move it without almost hitting something! There was also just so much fur on her body, but wasn't overly hot or sweating. She knew the one thing she could do in order to wake herself up from this absurd dream!

'I hope I don't regret doing this...' she leaned down and bit her paw.

The light brown and blue creature spoke again stifling a laugh, "I'm not sure what you're going on about? My name is Turbo. I am a Kemata... if you must know"

As this pastel Kem appeared confused the reply was a bit more irritated. "You are also a Kemata if you couldn't tell. I'm not sure why this is such a hard concept to understand. We are the same species."

"Then where am I?"

"Val Shenn! This is our home and you really must not know of what we are?"

"Not a clue..."

The pastel Kem looked over at Turbo once again and noticed this cat like creature had a completely different anatomy and structure compared to any other being on Earth. This must mean that something was not completely right. Maybe she got amnesia? After wondering what the situation was for a short while and Turbo clearly getting bored of watching this Kem; she made a decision.

"Please enlighten me with what this uh species is? I want to learn and explore with you!" The pretty Kem said.

Turbo looked over at her, yawning. "Alright. Come on, you got a lot to learn. Firstly, what is your name? Or should I call you Frisk?"

"My name is..." she paused as her human name may weird Turbo out. "Astrid. Call me Astrid."

"Alright Astrid. Your learning experience awaits for us. I have a few friends you may be interested in meeting as well. They will be glad to assist you as well."

After revealing the name Astrid, her human memories started to fade more and more. Her former friends and family felt like a dream before completely disappearing from her mind completely. Walking with Turbo made everything go away and the awe of this new world was enthralling. She couldn't get over how gorgeous this land was compared to the human world. There were smaller creatures, Familiars, as Turbo taught her.

'This may not be so bad after all.' Astrid thought to herself.

She made herself a goal to have a Familiar of her own and find many friends, aside from Turbo in the world of Val Shenn. Astrid wanted to make the most out of her potential accident - or possible miracle. Maybe it was a hint of something. Astrid figured her adventure was about to start and answers would be found with time.

This is a prompt for the closed species, Kematas! 

Please join Val-Shenn in order to create a Kemata! Kematas are a closed species owned by AmPmRm 
© 2021 - 2024 RaiinbowMochii
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