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My heart, you cannot keep this up forever,
Its alright to let go, you can rest now.
Your feelings they were always in the shadows
You kept on beating as I grew older and wiser.
Not a day did you complain to me
You were my best friend and my first love
Secrets you kept treasured in your depths
I will always be in debt to you
This day 'tick-tock', our clock will stop
I know I have not been true to you for long
More than once did I wish I could change,
But my thoughts, she pulled me away from you.
You know thought, she was always possessive.
Whenever I wished to be with you,
She awakened in me and made me think.
She loved to keep me thinking,
But I know you love it when I start dreaming.
I have had you beating the first melody of life,
Before my first thought, I was yours .
But we slipped away, separated by thought.
Thought has never shown any heart.
She kept me winning, but my triumphs
They are my biggest failures
For I never won over my thoughts
Tonight as we trickle down to the last beats,
My fleeting life has no more thoughts
For all I have are your fading beats.
I woke up to life, listening to your first rhythm
A billion beats from then,
I finally wish to go back to sleep with you,
Dissolving into your fading final melody.
- Rahul Ram