Rahmatozz on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rahmatozz/art/gorilla-cop-283739657Rahmatozz

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Rahmatozz's avatar




for fun
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1500x1584px 979.22 KB
© 2012 - 2024 Rahmatozz
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brancorvo's avatar

    Well, when it looks like a policeman and you inform us that it is "for fun" I cannot avoid to understand that's a sort of professional erotic dancer in his (or her?) way to entertain the guests in a bachelor party. A "sexy gorilla-cyborg cop", so to speak (probably the first time I use the expression).

    Must be a big cake, for his legs to fit inside it. And the lap dance will look a bit more exotic that it would look if the dancer was a just a regular gorilla, I suppose.

   In any case, this must be a visually interesting setting. Not just the guests at the party but also the world surrounding it.