Rahll on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rahll/art/Wacom-Radial-Menu-Nobody-Uses-It-410099925Rahll

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Rahll's avatar

Wacom Radial Menu, Nobody Uses It!



I've noticed that a lot of people either don't use it or have no idea what it even is, so I thought I'd create this little tutorial/explanation so people can give it a whirl and hopefully improve their efficiency and productivity :)
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EtherialIce's avatar
This is really helpful, thanks! I don't have the option to nest radial menus though. It only lets me have 1 radial menu per program. Do you know if they changed how to get to this? I am using the Intuos Pen & Touch, so it might just be a feature exclusive to the Cintiq, though. Screen Shot 2016-02-27 at 10.05.20 PM by trecneps