Rahll on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rahll/art/Frigid-Warmth-143068786Rahll

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Frigid Warmth



This is a matte painting for one of my classes. I put quite a bit of time into it, more than I expected to, but I'm really happy with the outcome for once.

The original file is 4000x2250, and I totaled in at 174 layers. Surprisingly, my Photoshop still ran flawlessly, but that many layers is still overdoing it, and it can become difficult and confusing to work sometimes.

I listened to this a lot while painting it, it sort of helps make it an experience. I'd definitely recommend turning it on while taking a look. Anyway, I really hope you like it.

As for inspiration, it's definitely a combination of Halo and Mass Effect, as well as John Carpenter's the Thing. Also inspired by Dusso's work, and all the fantastic imagery in the Star Wars Episode III artbook I just got. It's sort of a companion piece to another work I'm doing actually, but I'll explain that more when I finish the other one.

The idea here is sort of a civilization pulling power from artificial waterfalls in an extremely cold climate. I was more concerned with the technical and learning aspects of the piece than the originality, but hopefully the idea and execution seems fresh.

And, as promised, here is the walkthrough for the piece, you'll also find a link to videos of about 4 hours of it being worked on there too:
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Image size
1400x950px 376.31 KB
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