Rahkshi-Miraka on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/rahkshi-miraka/art/RedDeadRedemption-782690100Rahkshi-Miraka

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Please ignore the stupid title LAWL

The joke is that NL came across an enderman named Red who met a very unfortunate end (aha). Thankfully, for most endermen OCs, if the pearl remains intact then the world follows Minecraft game programming rules and the character "respawns". Sometimes these respawns happen to characters with "corrupted code", which Red was in this case. He was reborn with a slightly different appearance, which we'll see in a later post once I get around to uploading it here on DA.

Who would've known that this chance encounter would lead to me making another lasting friendship, with Red's mod Seffiron. Star! 
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