Rahkshi-Miraka on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/rahkshi-miraka/art/Forgotten-Library-Placeholder-846544024Rahkshi-Miraka

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Rahkshi-Miraka's avatar

Forgotten Library (Placeholder)



Another scene I'm working on for Flight Rising. In the back will be glass-windowed towers for scores upon scores of books, but I'm still trying to figure out the more decorative aspects of those structures. Foreground turned out pretty nice, though and later I'll decide what color stone to make this. I'm leaning towards sandstone - y'know, the kind with all those red-hued striations? Love that stuff. I wanted to add that to the floor but worried it made everything a bit too busy.

I'll replace the image later. Right now I'm stalled at this point and need to get it out of my head for a little bit. Progress image! Anybody have suggestions for what to add in the back? I'm trying to avoid water features for realism's sake - dry air is best for books after all. On the other hand, the glass towers protect them ok enough. And it's a fantasy drawing. 

(On a side note, I have discovered that doodling random stuff on filler details like loose book pages is really fun. Also Wingdings is your friend for creating repeating motif decorations.)
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