Rahkshi-Miraka on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/rahkshi-miraka/art/FR-Doodle-Set-Nature-Elements-847863888Rahkshi-Miraka

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FR Doodle Set - Nature Elements



More art practice for Flight Rising - this one I worked on over the course of the last couple weeks, and it feels nice to play with colored lines again. Loving how the coral texture turned out but I need more work on my rocks and stones and whatnot. No surprises there.

I think next, after whittling away some more at the library drawing, I'll try my hand at some of the smaller icons they have in the game. Maybe try some living creatures.

*Also, that geode turned into a fireheart stone on me halfway through... I should try some "hot" themes later... Definitely some lava...
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3508x2480px 6.7 MB
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