Current Residence: Columbus, Ohio Favourite genre of music: Rock/Alternative Operating System: XP Shell of choice: Conch Wallpaper of choice: Lickable Skin of choice: Mine Personal Quote: "Happiness is like peeing your pants...everyone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth.&a
Conventions scheduled SO FAR for 2014:
At least the ones that are booked and confirmed.
-Jan 11-12th, Albuquerque Comic Con
-March 14-16th, Lexington Comic Con
-May 23rd -25th, Capital Cherry Con
-May 31st, TriCon
-September 4-6, Second Annual Salt Lake Comic Con 2014
-Sept 20th, Midwest Ethnic Convention for Comics and Arts - MECCA
Look for updates. :)
I will be at the Pittsburgh Comic Con at the Monroeville Convention Center. Come by and say hi!! Pittsburgh ComicCon:
April 20: Fri 1:00pm - 7:00pm
April 21: Sat 10:00am - 6:00pm
April 22: Sun 10:00am - 5:00pm