Ragaru on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ragaru/art/Super-Smash-Wars-257351329Ragaru

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- Super Smash Wars -



Introducing "Super Smash Wars"

An idea conceptualized by me and :iconespenartman:
It all started with Sergeant Mario: [link]
And so it has further developed to become a war raging between the many video game universes we know and love.

So we're just getting started with this fan project, and will be trying to give you a story fit for the darker and more realistic redesigned style for the characters and their respected game worlds.

Here you see a sketchy low res logo design. It will be the current logo for the project until a better one is created(high-res)

We'd love to hear your opinion and ideas! =D

Here you have some starters:

- Ash Ketchum, one of the 4 revolution leaders: [link]

- The 4 revolution leaders of the Revolution Team: [link]

- And finally, a little impression of what's to expect, Mario fighting Super Suit Bowser, the scale is going to be epic! [link]

Super Smash Bros. concept © HAL Laboratory

All relations to characters and their respective universes ©
to their respective creators and/or owners.

The "Super Smash Wars" concept is an idea by "Espenartman" & "Ragaru".
Image size
1000x492px 601.74 KB
© 2011 - 2024 Ragaru
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LOMI-Nogard's avatar
This is pretty cool. I find it a little ironic that I stumbled upon this after about a month of working on my own Super Smash Bros project that's almost as crazy, or perhaps moreso just in a different direction. It all started with the image of Mario as an engineer/pyromancer, and then once I realized Luigi could be a necromancer, it just went from there...