Ragaru on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ragaru/art/Stylized-Ganondorf-Animaquette-286989912Ragaru

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Stylized Ganondorf -Animaquette-



This is the initial sketch for a commissioned Ganondorf sculpture I'll be starting on soon.

The direction is aimed towards the Wind Waker style with hints of the Twilight Princess version, planned to be executed as a animaquette.

Also, did you know that some of the original Wind Waker sketches had Ganondorf with a long pointy hair along his back?

The Maquette will be at a 1:12th scale leaving him at 19,6 cm/ 7,7".
This is based on my own idea of Ganondorf being about 235 cm/7,7'

Any opinions?
Image size
1915x1478px 847.6 KB
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SharpHermit's avatar
Ganondorf, show us your tits! x3