Ragaru on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ragaru/art/Dark-King-of-Hyrule-WIP-275683652Ragaru

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'Dark King of Hyrule' WIP



More info on the Sculpture [link]

Turnaround here [link]

I didn't get to document the entire process, as i had to complete it before the 22nd December, while starting on it a mere week in advance.
So there are some major skips in the process, at any rate i hope it is of interest to see the development.

1. The base was completed and cured, the armature posed right, and the ongoing work of defining the anatomical buildup.

2. Working on the facial features, mixing the OoT version with the TP version.

3. Done with the face, added beard and the baggy pants seen in TP.

4. Close up of the facial Features, a little too bright, and the Super Sculpey might hide some of the topography of the surface, due to the translucent properties.

5. Cut and filed down the sword in Copper, and started working on the leg armor.

6. A little more contrast filled view of the face.

7. The anatomical buildup of the back (note that I didn't use any references so they're very inaccurate. )

8. A sudden jump to the completed sculpt and base paint.

9. Using a spray paint to cover the majority of the sculpture, leaving some areas unpainted, had to live with some of them due to the deadline.

And after that there's only photos of the completed one.

All relations to the "The Legend of Zelda" Series © Nintendo
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1070x11810px 6.61 MB
© 2011 - 2024 Ragaru
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