When i was a kid, i liked to draw cars every where i could. On paper, wall, books. :D So you understand i liked to draw a cars very much.
In school, art wasn't my strong side. I didn't even like to go to art classes. What? Yes i know it's strange, but i evolved to be an artist, it's kind of strange for my self but i can live with that.
Then i discovered photoshop 7.0 and i started digital art, it was new for me and was fun. Now i have gone to Gimp because it's free, has some nice features ps doesn't have and new version doesn't mean that you need to open your wallet.
I like doing digital art as much as doing art in real life. Because my first love was a pencil and it alwayse will. :)
Current Residence: Latvia
Favourite style of art: Drawings
Operating System: Linux or Windows or Macintosh
MP3 player of choice: was Apple now it's dead
Wallpaper of choice: black with colorfull stuff