Birdo Bows EmblemRafaelMartins on DeviantArt

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RafaelMartins's avatar

Birdo Bows Emblem



This emblem is so cute, but it's funny too...
The team is named Birdo Bows, but there isn't any bow on emblem xD

Pink background, pink hearts, pink star...
It's a lot of pink xD
But there's a beautiful yellow B and Birdo's ring too.
To me, Birdo is a girl.

I did this art, but the official emblem is (c) by Nintendo.

You can use this art, but give me the right credits please.
Hope you like ^^

Mario: [link]
Luigi: [link]
Princess Peach: [link]
Princess Daisy: [link]
Yoshi: [link]
Wario: [link]
Waluigi: [link]
Bowser: [link]
Bowser Jr.: [link]
Donkey Kong: [link]
Diddy Kong: [link]
Rosalina: [link]
Rafael: [link]
Image size
1382x1141px 292.66 KB
© 2011 - 2025 RafaelMartins
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xXBurning-PassionXx's avatar
Como e que tu fazes estas coisas?
Porque isto e bem fixe, mas gostava de saber como e que se faz