Current Residence: partout Favourite genre of music: rock/ska Favourite photographer: Nicoweb Favourite style of art: Futurist/modern Operating System: Windows Vista MP3 player of choice: Ipod video Favourite cartoon character: Vegeta Personal Quote: Tu es tellement fermé d'esprit que ton oreille gauche se trouve du mauvais coté
Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
lord of the ring, fight club, alien
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
marcel et son orchestre (ska), les wampas, java, peuple de l'herbe, snoop dogg
My selection of amazing creations
My SiteWeb
/// NEWS
Une nouvelle selection d'artistes (menu deroulant en haut de ce journal) un peu plus dans mes goûts, même si le niveau est quelque peu different (quoi que...).
Au menu :
-space art
Bien a vous,
Du style, de la classe : <michalivan (
:thumb56229758: :thumb46903112:
My selection of amazing creations
My SiteWeb
/// NEWS
Wouhouu !
Je suis revenu :) (enfin ?)
Pour moi ca signifie beaucoup, je sus tres heureux de pouvoir enfin me replonger dans mon univers ainsi que sur deviantart. Apres de longs mois d'absence, me revoici plus en forme que jamais avec pleins de projets en tête, principalement une nouvelle communauté graphique !! Eh
I am only sending this letter out to people cuz i am tired of getting comments on my front page that have to do with that stupid link going around.. with a hacker or something.. so please Read the bottom i dont care how much you have already seen it. i have been asked like 5 times by one of my friends to click the fucking link.. and i wont... it's getting annoying so dont be so stupid and click that link !!!! thank you
Love Ness
WATCH OUT FOR THIS MESSAGE!! "Hey. this person wrote something about you in their blog.. CLICK HERE" OR ANYTHING THAT SAYS CLICK HERE !! IT'S BAD
Beware ! He's using other users accounts to make you think that the user writes such nonsenses. Watch out for him and inform your friends to ignore this useless messages and to NOT OPEN the link that it shows !