High-Res Paint Strokes: Set IRaekre on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/raekre/art/High-Res-Paint-Strokes-Set-I-205038978Raekre

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Daily Deviation

May 10, 2011
High-Res Paint Strokes: Set I by ~Raekre A wonderfully stunning set of brushes! This set produces some interesting strokes and is sure to help many digital artists in creating their masterpieces!
Featured by shelldevil
Raekre's avatar

High-Res Paint Strokes: Set I



If you do download this brush set, there is no need to credit me in anyway, but a :+fav: would be greatly appreciated. it makes the effort I put into creating the set quite worthwhile.
This is my first free pack of Brush strokes for Adobe Photoshop. I was asked by a few friends for the brushes I have been using, so I thought why not make them public. :) I recently read that brushes made Adobe Photoshop CS5 are compatible with Photoshop Elements [ See Here ]

Little bit about the brushes

25 High Quality Brushes
Smallest Brush is 1836 px

I've been using these brushes to create my latest pieces:

Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4


I'll be posting updates on Twitter and Facebook for my next brush set.



OH MY gosh! Thank you so much for the DD!
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JohnJackie's avatar

Thank you. Cheers.