RadoJavor on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/radojavor/art/Susan-Constant-109939805RadoJavor

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Susan Constant



England, year 1607, the 3 ships are preparing for a voyage that resulted in the founding of the first permanent English settlement in North America. So generally this is a first step towards a colony which became the United States.
The Biggest one was called Susan Constant. My imagination was showing me some cold peacefull mornig in big port, so I paint it like that. I like the seagulls a lot so there are some:)

Just photoshop and intous tablet. For the ships I have a simple 3d model for basic perspective. The whole picture was a kind of slow process but I enjoyed it.

I like it maybe more than my last works, but dont know if its really better. Any commnets are welcome.
Image size
1200x806px 584.54 KB
© 2009 - 2024 RadoJavor
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I love it. Would the union jack be that common at the time though? It's officially from the 1707 act of union though I think there were proto-type designs under James the first.