RadoJavor on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/radojavor/art/Jack-O-Lantern-183344863RadoJavor

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Jack O'Lantern



The Legend of the Jack O'Lantern tells about the eternal Irish wanderer who wasn't let to the Heaven neither to Hell. He is traveling through the world in the search of Redemption.
This is his visit to America on all Hallows Eve, on this place and time the Hell is closest to our world.

Done in photoshop cs5, trying not to spend too much time on details. I enjoyed painting this, my first personal work after long time so I wish you could enjoy it also.
Image size
1350x759px 432.83 KB
© 2010 - 2024 RadoJavor
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It's amazing i'm a fan of your art do these pile of straw have a name for it i'm curious about it