Imperial WalkerRadoJavor on DeviantArt

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Imperial Walker



Some Star Wars Inspired picture after very long time. When I was reading very good technical website about the starwars, I've found picture of the leg and small comment of one amazing machine. This Is my vision of superheavy Imperial battle walker.
My intention was make a new design of a huge war machine, of course somehow similar to AT-AT. So I didnt have much space for experiments.
This walker much bigger than his older brother about twice in height. The desingis using some elements from the battleships of the Empire. Weapons: one turbolaser, eight heavy lasers and many heavy blaster cannons. The picture captures flawless crushign of the rebels defence positions on some cold planet (not Hoth:)). Rebellion have no weapons that can harm this machine.

The walker is based on simple 3d model(done in 1hour). The rest is playing with many layers in photoshop. the small at-st and some planes done form the reference. Picture was done half on cintiq tablet, the rest Intuos3. Time about 25-30 hours, just 2 hours a day after work.
Image size
1350x1080px 1.16 MB
© 2008 - 2024 RadoJavor
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MrAspireWriter1217's avatar

I'd call this the, "All Terrain Armored Assault Walker" or the, "AT-AAW."

It would specialize specifically in heavy assaults, it would be extraordinarily armored and armed. Likely a prequel design to the AT-M6.

It would later be designated the AT-M5. M5 simply atanding for "model 5."

Equipped on this walker woils be: 1SPHAT cannon, affixed to the top of the walker just above the command section. It would not be moveable and would be primarily used for busting through armored walls.

It would also have a quad anti personnel laser ball turret mounted in the front, and it would have 2 Dual heavy laser cannon ball mounted turrets, one on the left and one on the right.

Both where the AT-ATs guns would normally be affixed.

The walker was developed due to a need for fortress busting vehicles at a cheaper cost. As the war against the rebels drew on, so did the slew of costs the empire could no longer afford.

Thus corners were cut and retrofitting to refitting existing designs became a bit more common.

The First order in particular lacking resources, would use this design later as the basis for their AT-M6.

However, this was an impieral era design, thus it was redesginated under the first order, the "AT-M5" after a simple power unit upgrade was made, which made power expenditures alot less costly, being able to fire the SPHAT cannon and the regular guns, whilst keeping sheilds up, for at least 7 mintues.

The m6 would ditch the sheilds and stick to heavy armor, but add a  heavy turbolaser cannon in place of the SPHAT cannon.