RadiusZero on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/radiuszero/art/Naughty-or-Nice-189827387RadiusZero

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Naughty or Nice



Meh, this year has been rather sucky for me lately, so, rather than join in on the jolly-festive mood, I decided to celebrate it with something wicked. :devilish: Spent a few days in solitude in my room drawing this. So, behold, Krampus!

For those wondering what the hell a 'Krampus' is, he's a bound devil that accompanies St. Nick prior to Christmas. Known in places like Austria, St. Nick uses Krampus to determine whether children have been naughty or nice. Children are urged to stay in bed prior to recieving their gifts, else Krampus appears before them and judges them. :omg:

According to some of the tales, if the kid is nice, then St. Nick rewards them with presents or a gold branch. But if the child is found to be naughty, Krampus punishes them. These punishments vary, from wacking kids with sticks, stealing their gifts, kidnapping and killing them, and/or leaving them rotten food instead of presents. :P

As to whether Krampus judges this child to be naughty and nice... I'll leave that up for you guys to decide. :/
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CRiebesel's avatar
Pretty nice. I like it