RadiusZero on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/radiuszero/art/Drought-467937468RadiusZero

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It's been awhile since I've created original work. A very personal piece to me too. I had this concept at the back of my head, just didn't get the chance to finish it until now.

Drought....  For artists, it's a horrible feeling when the act of creativity is suddenly halted, whether by depression or some other force. The mind runs dry, squeezing out whatever it can. The Creator, meanwhile, can only stare at her dying world. Time keeps on ticking and nothing feels bright anymore. Her Crown of Creativity suddenly becomes her torture device.

Blegh. Yea, it's in uncomfortable and dark subject lol, so I'll shut up now. :p Still, this is why my art exists. I like to venture into the dark corners of the human spirit and confront whatever is there. In a world where many prefer to live in ignorant bliss, sometimes it's important to discuss topics like this.
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654x900px 234.12 KB
© 2014 - 2024 RadiusZero
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raspberryDA's avatar
Beautiful! :heart: And a very familiar feeling... I'd wish I'd look this pretty being the artist in distress though... :iconsweatdropplz: At least it helps thinking of myself, or rather my mind, as being trapped in this dark, but on the other hand eerily beautiful world (with a cute caterpillar...).