RadiusZero on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/radiuszero/art/Cryptkeeper-Colored-165220712RadiusZero

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RadiusZero's avatar

Cryptkeeper Colored



Heh, finally got done with coloring this. ^_^ I took some liberty in giving the Cryptkeepr red eyes. I thought it popped out more as well made this image more uncomfortable to look at. :devilish:

Lately I've been trying to improve my work, especially as the conventions approach and I *really* need to make money since student loan lenders are already on my back. :/ I hope this summer will be good to me and that people like my work enough to buy it. :( I'll also be working on a shop for my website, just for people who can't attend the cons.

Many thanks to all the peeps who've offered me suggestions on areas I need improvement in. Thanks to Cari for color contrast input and Grahams for offering tips on how to improve this particular image. Also, thanks to everyone here commenting/faving/browsing :meow:
Image size
533x800px 189.98 KB
© 2010 - 2024 RadiusZero
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Queaky's avatar
JUst had a major fangasm, man, this is amazing!