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The first two diableries were accidents; the next won't be. 

My VTM character Jun ended up committing diablerie (killing a vampire via consuming their blood) by accident, TWICE, within the span of two nights. It is a MAJOR taboo in VTM Vamp culture, just like how cannibalism is to humans. BIG no-no. In part due to the implications, but also in part because the diablerist can become addicted to the sensation... and guess who failed their Self-Control roll to avoid this addiction?! This idiot!!

The first diablerie: a ghost possessing Jun, who was the victim of a murder, took control of Jun's body when they found out a vamp they were interrogating was actually the murderer! So Jun basically frenzies and attacks this vamp and ends up consuming him, fails his Derangement roll, and winds up with the murderer as a second personality. What happens next? The murderer-personality and victim-ghost start fighting... as in, Jun ends up fighting himself. His compatriots have to put him in restraints to stop him until he calms down. 

The second diablerie: two enemy vamps show up and we have to do battle! These are terrifying foes with some heavy abilities. One of them looks at Jun and activates an ability that puts him IMMEDIATELY into a frenzy. This backfires on the foe vamp though, because Jun pins this vamp down and starts biting them, swapping between combat bites and feeding bites. He ends up taking the last blood point from their system-- they turn to ash, Jun has diablerized another vampire, and this is when he fails his self-control roll. 

So-- Humaniity's dropped to a 4, he's got diablerie streaks in his aura, he's got an addiction, and he's 9th Generation instead of 11th. Here begins Jun's slow descent into madness..
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