Cosplay Tutorial: Gumi Megpoid HeadphonesRadClawedRaid on DeviantArt

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Cosplay Tutorial: Gumi Megpoid Headphones



I finally got it finished! Yay!

I've been asked a few times how I made my Gumi headphones, but to be honest they were thrown together literally the night before with random materials I had lying around. And they were hideous.

So, I decided I would re-make some so they were easier to make and looked better. I made these for my friend ~pockami, who is an amazing Gumi / cosplayer in general!

By no means is this the best/only/easiest way to make these, this is just how I figured out to make them simple enough.

I really hope this is easy to understand. I tried to proof-read it but if there's any spelling errors etc please let me know XD

Also, if you don't understand any of it or have any questions please ask me and I am more than happy to help in anyway!

Hopefully this tutorial is of use to someone! :D
Please feel free to link me to any headphones you've made with this tutorial, I'd love to see ^___^

Gumi headphones and tutorial by *RadClawedRaid

Edit: Just realised a price guide would help here. I can't remember exactly how much they cost to make but they were surprisingly cheap. I would estimate no more than $20-25AUD. (Cost may vary) //End Edit.

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Otaku88888's avatar
I'm using this for supanova in september....... Adelaide