Ryuu Ranger and Kiba Rangerracookie3 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/racookie3/art/Ryuu-Ranger-and-Kiba-Ranger-47592470racookie3

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racookie3's avatar

Ryuu Ranger and Kiba Ranger



I have not submitted anything in a long time, Sorry :( I have been dealing with a little thing I call my life. ARGHH!!!

Anyway, I am coming up on 10,000 page views and I wanted to thank ya'll for all the support you have given me. It was almost a year ago that I became a part of deviant art and I appreciate ya'll given me your support.

This is a Digital drawing of Kiba and Ryuu rangers. I basically used the picture from one of the Super Sentai books as a reference.

Other Power Ranger Art
[link] Tommy
[link] Mighty Morphin
[link] Alien Rangers
[link] Zeo
[link] Dino Thunder
[link] S.P.D.
[link] Mystic Force
[link] Solaris Knight
[link] White Mystic Ranger

Power Rangers / Sentai (c) Bandai

Hope ya'll like it. :D
Image size
900x828px 408.15 KB
© 2007 - 2025 racookie3
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shruikengerfan322's avatar

 ummmmm i think JJ oliver should become ryuuranger