Kantasrabra on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/rabra/art/Kantas-470626119rabra

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Kantas for Rainmeter

Simple Media Player widget with Digital VU Meter :)

VU Meter Code by HiTBiT-PA as found in Digital VU Meter 1.0
AudioLevel plugin by dgrace

Repackage: 20140814
There are no changes in skin since last version.
This is simple repackage that does not include AudioLevel plugin. Since there are a few users that have reported virus presence, plugins have been removed.
You can download latest version of plugin at AudioLevel.

Version: 1a (20140725)
Hidding Progress Bar when media player is closed.
Hidding Media Player controls when media player is closed.
Settings window shows currently selected media player.
anonymous's avatar
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