r33d824 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/r33d824/art/Midnight-Comfort-863673590r33d824

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Midnight Comfort



I've always wondered how some nights must have been like for the Clawthorne sisters after Lilith was named a member of the Emperor's Coven. How long do you think Eda slept with her older sister for fear of going to bed alone after being cursed?

I wrote a little story to go along with this drawing that can be viewed here: www.fanfiction.net/s/13765766/…


Eda, Lilith and The Owl House belong to Dana Terrace.
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Towers-of-Obscure's avatar

Yeah, BEFORE Lilith lived in luxury and the bounty was placed on her sister. But not for the curse, for the dimensional key to the human world. The curse and misuse of magic is all just a cover story.