The Quick and not-so-detailed Applique Tutorialr-lowen on DeviantArt

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r-lowen's avatar

The Quick and not-so-detailed Applique Tutorial



A lot of people on tumblr found my hastily thrown together at 3am tutorial helpful, so I decided to compile it into one image for dA and fb! 

Enjoy :)

Since I've written this tutorial I've learned a few things: 

If you use 0 tension, you only need to go over your design once, so stay away from it when you're starting out!! I was teaching my friend in person and she had a lot of difficulty keeping her lines even and wished she was able to go over it twice to even them out. 0 spits out a TON of thread which makes it really difficult to redo make a second pass. 
Image size
2400x6002px 8.9 MB
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forest-child93's avatar
Great job making this, this will really come in handy. :)