!123 KironQuirkyDoodle on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/quirkydoodle/art/123-Kiron-788700469QuirkyDoodle

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!123 Kiron



Scion Record No. !123
Aksiothos (Scion)
Name: Kiron
Pronunciation: 'kee-ron'
Meaning: Wise/Kind teacher
Age: 5 Years
Gender: Stallion
Phenotype: Grey on Chestnut Tobiano
Genotype: ee Aa nTo GG rara
Elemental Affinity: Light (Rare)
Shapeshifter Ability: Reindeer (Cervidae)

Lineage: None

Breeding Slots:
He doesn't have time for such shenanigans!

Personality: "no no no! the name's Kiron. spelled K-I-R-O-N. and it's pronounced 'kee-ron", not 'kai-ron' or 'chi-ron' like that blubber mouth centaur (Chiron) and certainly not 'care-on' like Hade's lackey (Charon)!
if you mispronounce it again, i'll have to smack you."
A teacher of sorts. Hair is always stunning and he seems to always have a strange following of animals wherever he goes.

(Note, he is younger in this dimension)

Breed © to PolarisAstrum & LivingInThisFantasy
Design by Zandromina & PolarisAstrum
Converted horse - Do not use as color reference for other horses.
Image size
631x495px 151.2 KB
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