Quinn-Red on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/quinn-red/art/Land-of-Scales-Brontosaur-Procerus-Serpens-717840244Quinn-Red

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Quinn-Red's avatar

Land of Scales: Brontosaur (Procerus Serpens)



The tallest herbivore of the thick island forest, the Brontosaur feeds upon fruits, fungi, and any small and slow animals it's long neck can reach. They are normally found in groups of five or less, all members of the family keeping their eyes out for bold predators. In case of attack , adults will block predators from younger members of the group, and open their mouths as wide as possible, reveling bright blue flesh within. If bellowing and this startiling display does nothing, they will whip the predator with serrated tails.
Brontosaurs evolved from a form of proto-snake that made it to this mysterious island millions of years ago, and played the vacant role of the sauropods. Young Brontos will eat adults fecal matter in their early days to gain gut bacteria that can digest fruit and fungi, which may explain how a group related to snakes could become herbivorous.
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RoyalDilophoraptor's avatar
I helped! Ish.....kinda.....maybe.......

Lol. But yeah it turned out great