Surreal BAquemas on DeviantArt

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August 8, 2010
Surreal BA by ~quemas Trippy Surrealism - especially as all is not as it seems with the reflection. Suggester Says: This piece just screams "Inception". I love the subtle changes in each reflected image that indicates that the image is not an exact reflection, for example, the man running across the road, or the motorbike. As far as cool concepts go, this one rocks.
Featured by Kaz-D
quemas's avatar

Surreal BA



surreal BA by quemas™

Before anything. thank you for the DD! Really appreciate so much, I was reading the opinions and I can't believe so much bad energy in several of them... First, let me clear that I have not seen the movie Incepcion. In my country (Argentina) the movie not had been released the day that add my photo to my gallery, and I have no idea of the argument of the same. It is not the first time that I used this technique of edition to generate surrealist Landscapes [link] if it is really inspired by the argument of a movie? Which is sin? I have sought in google images of the film mentioned and humbly I must say that have nothing to do with my picture. INSPIRATION + CREATIVITY . something that many are missing. By the way, there are fewer photoshop of what you think they are 2 moments different from a congestion of transit. two photos united to achieve this effect. Thank you!

Antes que nada. muchas gracias por el DD! realmente lo aprecio mucho. estuve leyendo los comentarios y no puedo creer tanta mala energia en varios de ellos... Primero quisiera aclararles que yo no he visto la pelicula Incepcion. en mi pais (Argentina) la pelicula no se habia estrenado el dia que agregue mi fotografia a mi galeria. y no tengo idea del argumento de la misma. No es la primera vez que realizo esta tecnica de edicion para generar paisajes surrealistas. pero si fuera realmente inspirado en el argumento de una pelicula? cual es el pecado? He buscado en google imagenes de la pelicula mencionada y humildemente debo decir que nada tienen que ver con mi fotografía. INSPIRACION + CREATIVIDAD . algo que a muchos les falta.

aproposito. hay menos photoshop de lo que ustedes creen. son 2 instantes diferentes de una congestion de transito. dos fotos unidas para lograr este efecto. Gracias!
Image size
1000x1294px 943.5 KB
Canon EOS 30D
Shutter Speed
1/400 second
Focal Length
55 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Apr 25, 2008, 6:03:14 PM
© 2010 - 2025 quemas
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PaigeMillsArt's avatar
OUTSTANDING!! Congrats on your DD!! Heart Love