Tom HiddlestonQuelchii on DeviantArt

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Tom Hiddleston


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Another traditional drawing of Tom Hiddleston.
I rushed this drawing a bit and I'm also sorry for the bad photo quality. My "beloved" scanner refused to connect with my laptop, so I had to take a picture at bad lighting conditions. That thing really hates me. :grump:

Reference was a picture from a photoshoot (?).

Paper DIN A4 190g/m²; Faber-Castell Polychromos artists' colour pencils, Copic Ciao and Sketch marker, uni-ball Signo pigment ink um-153 white; time: ~12 hours

Please don't upload my pictures somewhere else without my permission. Don't infringe copyright!

Here are some other traditional Tom Hiddleston drawings:
Tom Hiddleston (gray paper) by QuelchiiLoki of Asgard (redraw) by QuelchiiLoki - Magic (drawing) by QuelchiiMischievous Loki (drawing) by Quelchii
Image size
610x900px 191.88 KB
© 2015 - 2025 Quelchii
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booknerd110's avatar
My bebe....

It's amazing how different he looks through the years, from when he was still at that awkward teenage stage during his first movie to his "Oh God my heart is melting" killer looks now