POW Challenge-John CottonQueenGwenevere on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/queengwenevere/art/POW-Challenge-John-Cotton-199803996QueenGwenevere

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POW Challenge-John Cotton



Behold! Randomness! =D

Actually, no, not so random, this was for the "Five Comic Covers" challenge over on ConceptArt.org... The challenge was to complete five fake comic book covers based on either a title or description or both... Ate up a lot of time, but hey, it was a fun excuse to try some different things. (I'll post the rest of the covers, too, I need to fix a couple things first.)

The brief for this particular cover was:
"John Cotton: Born a slave without a name in the deep south of the US, our main character gives himself a name, walks off the plantation after the US Civil War and heads west. The story should fall between 1865 and 1900, and occurs in what we call The Old West.

Our hero is black (African-American). How old he is and what he makes of his life is your decision. Does he settle down peacefully as a farmer, become a cowboy, a gunfighter or an outlaw, or something really strange for the time period?"

*ahem* Obviously I took a few liberties... :XD:

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560x830px 373.96 KB
© 2011 - 2025 QueenGwenevere
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Another amazing artwork. If you write this, I'll read it. Definitely.