POW Challenge-FrankensteinQueenGwenevere on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/queengwenevere/art/POW-Challenge-Frankenstein-202624625QueenGwenevere

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QueenGwenevere's avatar

POW Challenge-Frankenstein



Last cover for the "Five Comic Covers" challenge on ConceptArt.org!


Yep, that Frankenstein. I opted to stick close to the original Mary Shelley novel, hence why my monster doesn't look anything like the movie versions... I went for a North Pole scene because those are some of my favorite scenes in the book (and while the laboratory scenes are cool, everybody always draws the laboratory. So I wanted to show something different.)

Yes, in the book the monster has hair! And guns! And a brain! And is totally badass! He's like the ultimate undead teenage rebel. And Herr Frankenstein is the ultimate deadbeat dad.

Of course this challenge meant I had to go back and reread Frankenstein. That was the fun part. :XD: If you haven't read it you totally should...

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Painted-Treasure's avatar

"teenage rebel", yes, that fits him perfectly! XD