POW Challenge-Amy's DollQueenGwenevere on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/queengwenevere/art/POW-Challenge-Amy-s-Doll-200489977QueenGwenevere

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POW Challenge-Amy's Doll



Yet another cover for the "Five Comic Covers" challenge on ConceptArt.org...

This one had another very minimal brief - we were given the title "Amy's Doll", and that's it. Not much to go on, but somehow I contrived to twist it into something creepy. That's my job. :XD:

This one is traditional inking with digital coloring. I was trying out a somewhat different inking style on this one, with lots more shading than I usually do... Turned out to be rather fun, I think I should do more of that.

You can see some of the studies I did for this on my sketch blog...

Other covers:
Image size
563x860px 448.8 KB
© 2011 - 2024 QueenGwenevere
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TheGhosty's avatar
Genius! Colorful! Gorgeous! Incredible!